«إذا أراد بعبد خيرا استعمله قيل: كيف يستعمله؟ قال: يوفقه لعمل صالح قبل الموت ثم يقبضه عليه» .
(صحيح) … [حم ت حب ك] عن أنس. الروض 2/87, المشكاة 5288)
Anas ibn Malik is reported to have said:
“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“If Allah wishes good for His servant, He will use him. ” ( People) asked, “How does He use him?” He ﷺ replied, “He helps him (to perform) righteous deeds before he dies, and then takes his soul in that state.”
This hadith was narrated by Ahmad 3/120, at-Tirmidhi 2142, Ibn Hibban 341 and al-Hakim 1/490.
Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See Saheeh al-Jami ‘as-saghir 305.
Grade: صحيح