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lDefinition of Taqleed and difference between itteba and taqleeda) Ibn Hammam Al Hanafi 861 h…

By almaas Jun 24, 2021

lDefinition of Taqleed and difference between itteba and taqleed

a) Ibn Hammam Al Hanafi 861 h said:

التقليد العمل بقول من ليس قوله احدى الحجج بلا حجه منها

فليس الرجوع الى النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم والاجماع

“Taqleed is acting without proof upon the action of someone whose saying is not among evidence(Quran and Sunnah), following Prophet peace be upon him and Consensus is not taqleed” [Tahreer Ibn Hammam fe ilm al asool vol 3 page 453]

b) Ibn Hajib al Nahwi (646 h) said

فالتقليد العمل بقول غيرك من غير حجة وليس الرجوع الى قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم والى الاجماع والعامى الى المفتى والقاضى الى العدول بتقليد لقيام الحجة

Taqleed is following other then (Prophet) without evidence, so Following Prophet peace be upon him and Ijma, laymen asking from Mufti, Qadhi making judgment based on testimony of witness is not Taqleed because there is evidence on that.

(منتهى الوصول والأمل في علمي الأصول والجدل page 218)

c) Ali bin Muhammad Al Amadi (631 h) said.

فالرجوع الى قول النبى عليه السلام والى ما اجمع عليه اهل العصر من المجتهدين ورجوع العامي الى قول المفتي، وكذلك عمل القاضي بقول العدول لا يكون تقليدا، لعدم عروه من الحجة الملزمة

الظاهر أن رجوع العامي لقول المفتي تقليد ، والظاهر جوازه لمن عجز عن الدليل

Following Prophet peace be upon him, consensus of Jurists of the time’ laymen asking from Mufti, Qadhi making judgment based on testimony of witness is not Taqleed… Apparently Ami practicing on the saying of Mufti is Taqleed, Apparently it is permissible for those who are unable to find the evidence..

[Al AHKAM FE ASOOL AL AHKAM online source of the book vol 4 page 221]


d) Ibn Qudamah Al Hanblee said

وهو فى عرف الفقهاء قبول قول الغير من غير حجة اخذا من هذاالمعنى فلا يسمى الاخذ بقول النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم والاجماع تقليدا

And this (taqleed) according to jurists is accepting sayings of others (then Prophet) without evidence. From this meaning accepting saying of Prophet peace be upon him and consensus is not taqleed [Rodha tul Nazir vol 2 page 450]

e) It is mentioned in “Muthalam uth Thubut” p 289 taba 1316 it is said that

Following Quran, Hadith, consensus’, Qadhi making judgment based on testimony of witness, laymen coming to a scholar is not Taqleed.

f) Ibn Al Qayyam said

والتقليد ليس بعلم باتفاق اهل العلم

People of knowledge are agreed upon that taqeed is not knowledge

[Ailam al moqieen vol 2 page 188]

By almaas

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