أحبب حبيبك هونا ما عسى أن يكون بغيضك يوما ما وأبغض بغيضك هونا ما عسى أن يكون حبيبك يوما ما
صحيح) … [ت هب] عن أبي هريرة [طب] عن ابن عمرو [الدارقطني في الأفراد عد هب] عن علي [خد هب] عن علي موقوفا. غاية المرام في تخريج أحاديث الحلال والحرام 472
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Love the one you love in moderation, because one day he may become the one you hate! And hate the one you hate in moderation, because one day he may become the one you love! ”
This hadith was narrated by at-Tirmidhi (1997) and by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Iman from the words of Abu Huraira; at-Tabarani in al-Awsat 2/12 from the words of ‘Abdullah ibn’ Amr; ad-Dara Qutni in al-Afrad, Ibn ‘Adi in al-Kamil, al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Iman from the words of’ Ali; al-Bukhari in al-Al-Adab- al-mufrad 1321 and al-Bayhakyi in Shu’ab al-Iman 6593 with the words of Ali as an interrupted hadith / maukuf.
Imam al-Suyuta considered the hadith good.
Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See Sahih al-jami ‘as-saghir 178, Gayatul-maram 472.
Grade: صحيح