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Is The Smile On The Face Of A Dead Person an Indication Of Good Ending?

By almaas Oct 7, 2020 #Dead #Face #Good #Indication #Person #Sha #Smile
Is The Smile On The Face Of A Dead Person an Indication Of Good Ending ? – Sha…

Is The Smile On The Face Of A Dead Person an Indication Of Good Ending ? – Shaykh Muhammad Al-Wassabi (Rahimahullah) #Takfiri #Doubt #Refuted…

Due to the pain of death, the tissues within the face and jaw become taut/stretched and then return back to their original state. Due to this tension, sometimes, it appears that the dead person is smiling. However, some ignorant people use this as a PROOF for claiming the dead person to be from those who achieved salvation and the person is from inhabitants of paradise. Even though, there are quite many examples of Non Muslims, Atheists, Jews, Christians and Innovators who died with such a condition.

Therefore, A Smiling Face is NOT a guarentee that the person will go to Jannah.


By almaas

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3 thoughts on “Is The Smile On The Face Of A Dead Person an Indication Of Good Ending?”
  1. You indicate that just because a non Muslim dies with a smile upon his face it is not for the reason he saw and went to paradise. I suppose by that you indicate only a Muslim can know of paradise and only a Muslim can die with a smile upon their face. Who told you this? Did one return from the dead to tell you, is it written in the Koran? maybe Allah himself told you, maybe it’s like most of us a belief in faith and hope.

    1. No one knows who is going to Heaven. Its only that a Muslim “Qualifies” to enter Heaven and others have no chance whatsoever , the reason being people don’t acknowledge Allah as their Lord and they do not worship him as HE has told mankind which is singling him out alone for worship and not praying to a rock, Jesus, or any mortal being or anything in this universe.

      1. The God of Muhammed and the God of the Israelites are one and the same. Christians choose to follow a different teacher or prophet which is what Muhammad is.

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