Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The Real Beauty: Imām Ibn Kathīr Raḥimahullāh:“Some of the Salaf said: ‘The one who prays abundantly…

By almaas Apr 1, 2022

The Real Beauty: Imām Ibn Kathīr Raḥimahullāh:

“Some of the Salaf said: ‘The one who prays abundantly at night (time), his face is beautified in day (time)’.”

يقول الحافظ ابن كثير رحمه الله : وقال بعض السلف : من كثرت صلاته بالليل حسن وجهه بالنهار

[تفسير القرآن العظيم ٧٣٦١-٣٦٢]

By almaas

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