Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The one who dies due to Coronavirus, is a shaheed In sha Allah

By almaas Apr 14, 2021

Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbād was asked about the person who dies due to the Corona virus, is he (considered) one who has died from a plague?


He answered saying: He falls under the one who has died from a plague. And martyrdom is hoped for him.


And also he was asked:


“Is the body of the deceased to be washed if it is feared that the Corona virus will spread?


He said: If that’s most probable and it’s feared that washing the body or touching it (will spread the disease), tayammum is to be performed.”


Translated by: Muhammad Abouharb

???? جديد


‏سئل العلامة عبد المحسن العباد حفظه الله :

عن الذي يموت بسبب مرض ‎الكورونا هل يسمى مبطون ؟

فاجاب :

يدخل تحت المطعون الذي يموت بالطاعون، ويرجى له الشهادة.


وسئل: هل يُغسل الميت بسبب ‎الكورونا ؛خشية العدوى ؟


فقال:إذا غلب الظن ويخشى من تغسيله وملامسته فيُيَمّم.


[درس الموطأ ٠٩ رجب١٤٤١ .]

By almaas

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