Some Common Doubts and Misconceptions Affiliated with Zakāh and Zakāt al-Fiṭr and Their Clarification
Doubt/Misconception 01: The Annual Zakāh Is due when Ramaḍān Commences
Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn (رحمه الله) was asked: “Giving charity and paying the annual Zakāh in the blessed month of Ramaḍān have become a custom for many people, so are they exclusive to this month?”
He (رحمه الله) said:
Certainly, charity isn’t only given in the month of Ramaḍān; rather, giving it any time is recommended. As for paying the annual Zakāh, then if a year elapses [prior to Ramaḍān], then don’t wait for Ramaḍān, unless the year elapses in a month that is close to it, like Shaʿbān. In this case, there is nothing wrong with postponing its payment until Ramaḍān; however, if the year elapses in Muḥarram—[which is far from Ramaḍān]—then paying the annual Zakāh that late is impermissible. Paying Zakāh early is permissible, but postponing its payment isn’t.
● [Majmū‘ Fatāwá wā Rasāʾil al-ʿUthaymīn, vol. 18, pg. 295]
He (رحمه الله) also said:
Like any other good deed, paying Zakāh in an auspicious occasion—[like Ramaḍān]—is better; however, whenever a year elapses and paying Zakāh becomes compulsory, a person must do so immediately. He shouldn’t postpone its payment until Ramaḍān. Therefore, if a year elapses in Rajab, then he must pay his Zakāh in Rajab. He shouldn’t postpone its payment until Ramaḍān. Likewise, if a year elapses in Muḥarram, then he must pay his Zakāh in Muḥarram. He shouldn’t postpone its payment until Ramaḍān. If, however, a year elapses in Ramaḍān, then he must pay his Zakāh in Ramaḍān.
● [Majmū‘ Fatāwá wā Rasāʾil al-ʿUthaymīn, vol. 20, pg. 72]