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Some Common Doubts and Misconceptions Affiliated with the Merits of the Month of Ramaḍān and Their…

By almaas Aug 4, 2021

Some Common Doubts and Misconceptions Affiliated with the Merits of the Month of Ramaḍān and Their Clarification

Doubt/Misconception 05: Whoever Fasts the Days of Ramaḍān and Stands Steadfast in Its Nights Will Have All of His Sins—Major and Minor—Forgiven

Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn (رحمه الله) was asked:

“You mentioned in the beginning of our meeting that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever fasted with faith during the month of Ramaḍān, while seeking its reward from Allāh, will have whatever he has done [from sins] forgiven [i.e. he will have his past sins forgiven].’Does this apply to both the major and minor sins, as well as the rights of the people [between themselves]? We hope for an elaboration on this issue, and may Allāh grant you tawfīq.”

The Shaykh (رحمه الله) stated the following:

This is how the Ḥadīth came, general—”will have whatever he has done [from sins] forgiven,“ and the word, ‘whatever’ is from the expressions that show generality which necessitates that all sins are forgiven; however, this generality was made specific with other evidence: that it is necessary that the major sins be avoided. The proof for that is the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ): “The five daily prayers, and from one Jumuʿah prayer to the next, and from one Ramaḍān to the next are expiations for the sins committed in between their intervals, providing no major sins were committed.”

Therefore, this generality was made specific by the Sunnah, by his (ﷺ) statement: ‘From Ramaḍān to the next are expiations for the sins committed in between their intervals, providing no major sins were committed.’

● [al-Liqāʾ al-Shahrī, Sitting no. 33, Question no. 12]

In addition to this, Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-ʿAbbād (حفظه الله) stated the following when commenting on the Ḥadīth: “Whosoever performs [supererogatory] prayers at night during the month of Ramaḍān, with faith and in the hope of receiving Allāh’s reward, will have whatever he has done [from sins] forgiven [i.e. he will have his past sins forgiven,”This is as it relates to the minor sins. They are expiated by the performance of good deeds, from them is the performance of supererogatory prayers during the nights of Ramaḍān. As for the major sins, then its expiation requires tawbah, having remorse and having the determination to never return to them.”

● [Ṣharḥ Sunan Abī Dawūd, vol. 7, pg. 448]

By almaas

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