Our Shaykh Dr.Assim Alqaryoti (Professor of Hadeeth at Imaam Saud University & Senior Student of Imaam Albaani)
Adviced the following:
In times of Diseases/epidemics and Illnesses take care of the following:
1. To strengthen your reliance upon Allaah and to remain close to Him Subhanahu-wa-talaa
2.Truthfulness in turning and returning to Allaah/ repentance
3. To make Dua and Supplicate in Salaah and even when alone
4.To spread optimism and hope in Shefaa/ cure and removal of this disease
5. To refrain from spreading what sends fear and scares the weak hearted people even if it’s true.
6. Beware of spreading fake/false posts because it hurts the ill person and it can lead him to lose hope in the mercy of Allaah.