Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

It is obligatory upon an intelligent person to look to his own safety by not hunting for…

By almaas Nov 28, 2020

It is obligatory upon an intelligent person to look to his own safety by not hunting for people’s faults and spying on them;

instead he should busy himself with rectifying his own faults.

Whoever concentrates on his own faults will bring relief to his body and will not exhaust and trouble his heart.

This is because each time a person finds a fault in himself, it will be easier for him to bear the same fault he sees in his Muslim brother.

However, someone who is engrossed with the faults of others rather than his own will find his heart becoming blind and his body, weary

because he will have found the excuse to ignore his own failings.

The intelligent person makes good his opinion of his brothers and reminds himself of his own problems and afflictions.

The ignoramus thinks ill of his brothers and pays no heed to his own failings and problems.

[Rawdat al-‘Uqalaa’, Abu Haatim Ibn Hibban (rahimahillāh)]

By almaas

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