Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Fasting in Ramaḍān Whilst Leaving Off the Prayers | Sh. Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn…

By almaas Oct 21, 2021

Fasting in Ramaḍān Whilst Leaving Off the Prayers | Sh. Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn Raḥimahullāh

[Q]: What is the ruling on one who fasts in Ramaḍān while leaving off the prayers?

[A]: The one who fasts while leaving off the prayers, then his fasting will not benefit him. It will not be accepted from him and he has not removed the obligation [of fasting] from himself [i.e. his fasting will not be counted]. Rather, he is not requested to fast as long as he leaves off the prayers because the one who does not establish the prayers is like the Jew or Christian, what if a Jew or Christian fasted, will it be accepted from them? It will not!

So we say to this individual: Repent to Allāh, establish the prayers and fast. Indeed Allāh accepts the repentance of the repentant one.

● [فتاوى في الصيام، الكتاب: ٤٨]

By almaas

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