Thu. Apr 25th, 2024

🚫 *A Great Danger* 🚫

Sh. Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān Hafiẓahullāh mentioned the story of a man who read Bukhārī on his own and he came across the Ḥadeeth:

الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء

‘Blackseed has cure for every illness.’

However he read الحبة السوداء (blackseed) as الحية السوداء (black snake), thus he went, bought a black snake, slaughtered it, ate it and afterwards died from its poisoning, so had he asked the scholars he would’ve saved himself,

Hence merely studying without returning to Ahlul-‘Ilm (for its understanding) is a great danger so look to how many pretenders of knowledge have killed themselves (due to self-amazement).

● [طرق تعلم العلم ص ١٠]

By almaas

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