Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

✒ The Importance Of ṢalāhFrom ʿAlī Raḍi-Allāhu ʿAnhu who narrated that the last words of Prophet…

By almaas Dec 24, 2020

✒ The Importance Of Ṣalāh

From ʿAlī Raḍi-Allāhu ʿAnhu who narrated that the last words of Prophet Muḥammad (Ṣallallāhu-ʿAlaihi Wa Sallam) before his death were:

“The prayer!! The prayer!! And fear Allāh regarding those whom your right hands possess (i.e those under your ownership).”

● [مختصر صحيح الجامع الصغير برقم ٤٦١٦ ، صححه الألباني]

By almaas

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