Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

✒ Had it not been for Jarḥ Wat Ta’deel | Imām ash-Shawkānee Raḥimahullāh*قال الشوكاني : ولوﻻ هذا…

By almaas Dec 30, 2020

✒ Had it not been for Jarḥ Wat Ta’deel | Imām ash-Shawkānee Raḥimahullāh*

قال الشوكاني : ولوﻻ هذا الجرح والتعديل لتلاعب الناس الكاذبون بالسنة واختلط المعروف بالمنكر ولم يتبين ما هو صحيح وما هو باطل

Imām ash-Shawkānee Raḥimahullāh said: “Had it not been for this (science of) Jarḥ Wat Ta’deel (praising and disparaging), the liars would PLAY with the SUNNAH, EVIL would mix with the GOOD and it wouldn’t be clear what is CORRECT and what is FALSE.”

‏???? [دفع الريبة فيما يجوز من الغيبة ٥٣]

May Allāh elevate the ranks of Imaams of Jarḥ Wat Ta’deel who purified the Sunnah and expelled the addition of liars and pretenders from this Deen!!

By almaas

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