Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

✒ The Milk Of Cow Is A Healing And Its Meat Is A Disease

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ألبان البقر شفاء وسمنها دواء ولحومها داء

The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “The milk of cows contains healing and its fat is a medicine and its meat is a (cause of) disease.”

● [قال الألباني : صحيح ، أنظر حديث رقم ١٢٣٣ في صحيح الجامع]

Shaykh al-Albānī Raḥimahullāh was asked how can one reconcile between this Ḥadeeth and the fact that Sharī’ah allows cow as a sacrificial animal and how can it be that something harmful is legislated by this religion??

The Shaykh Raḥimahullāh replied:

أما إذا أكل منها احيانا فلا ضير في ذلك ولا ضرر ، وهو بلا شك جائز لأن المقصود بالنهي عن لحوم البقر إنما هو الإكثار منها والإستعاضة بها عن لحوم الغنم والمعز والإبل ، هذا هو جواب العلماء

“As for consuming beef sometimes then there is no loss or harm in that and it is without any doubt permissible, because what is intended by the prohibition of cow’s meat is *ONLY IF IT’S CONSUMED ABUNDANTLY*, and if it is made a replacement for the meat of sheep, goat and camel, this is the answer of scholars.”

● [سلسلة الهدى والنور شريط رقم ٣٨٩]

By almaas

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