Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

The Methodology of the Salaf in Reacting to the Deaths of the Heads of Innovation

Alī ibn Abī Tālib رضي الله عنه rejoiced at the death of the head of the Khawārij Dhā Ath-Thudayyah. When he was certain of his death, he fell down in prostration out of gratitude for Allāh, whilst acknowledging the fact that the Khawārij are Muslim.

[Musnad Ahmad: 1/107]

Likewise. Mu’aawiyah ibn Abī Sufyān رضي الله عنه rejoiced much at the death of Al-Ashtar An-Nakh’ī who was one of the people who incited the killing of ‘Uthmān رضي الله عنه

[Al-Bidāyah Wa An-Nihāyah: 10/655]

Likewise Bishr ibn Al-Hārith رحمه الله said when he heard of the death of Al-Marīsī:

“All Praise is due to Allāh who caused him to die! This is what you should say!”

[Tārīkh Baghdād: 7/531]

Al-Mirīsī was from the figureheads of the Mu’tazilah, who denied that Allāh will be seen on the Day of Judgment, and denied the punishment of the grave, and denied the scale of deeds and denied the intercession.

Salamah ibn Shubayb Al-Hajrī رحمه الله said:

“I was with Abdurrazāq, then there came [the news of] the death of Abdulmajīd, and that was the year 206 hijri. And he said:

“All Praise is due to Allāh who relieved the Ummah of Muhammad from Abdulmajīd!”

[Tahdheeb Al-Kamāl: 18/275]

Abdulmajīd ibn Abdulazīz was from the figureheads of the Murji’ah. As Imam Ahmad described him to be one who has “extremism in his Irjā”. Also Abū Dāwūd described him to be “the heads of Irjā”. Ya’qūb Al-Fasawī described him to be “an innovator who is a caller [to his innovation]”

Today, we have been given the glad tidings of the death of Yūsuf Al-Qardhāwī, who was a from the callers to innovation and deviation. So All Praise is due to Allāh who has relieved us from him!

By almaas

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