Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Advice: Music is prohibited in IslamAnswer: Difference of opinionAdvice: Don’t mortgage a…

By almaas Sep 15, 2020

Advice: Music is prohibited in Islam

Answer: Difference of opinion

Advice: Don’t mortgage a house; interest is prohibited

Answer: Difference of opinion

Advice: A woman is supposed to observe Hijab

Answer: Hijab is how you define it

Advice: A man is supposed to grow his beard

Answer: Faith is in the heart

Advice: Smoking is prohibited

Answer: Smoking is not mentioned in the Qur’an

Advice: You should not sell prohibited things in your business

Answer: My business will go bankrupt if I don’t

Advice: Don’t hang up pictures of animate objects in your house

Answer: Times have changed and I do not worship these things

And on and on…

Conclusion: What is left of Islam?

By almaas

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